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7 #YOLO Moments (and one to come)


Like it or not, #YOLO is one of the biggest trends to come out of the last few years. Encompassing a generation of kids who are happy to stick two fingers up at, well, most things really, and just get on with enjoying their youth as much as possible. And hey, we salute that. Here’s a seven key #YOLO moments, and one more to come…soon!

1. Selena Gomez & the YOLO sweater
During filming of Harmony Korine-penned #YOLO bible ‘Spring Breakers’ last year, Disney princess Selena was spotted wearing this appropriately #YOLO sweater – while the film might not have had the jolliest ending, the jumper proves lil’ Selena is all about carpe diem.

2. Perez Hilton tweeting YOLO to Miley Cyrus during the VMAs
Speaking of Disney princesses, it can’t have escaped your notice that current Notion coverstar the one and only Miley Cyrus has been enjoying her time in the limelight recently. US mega-entertainment site Entertainment Weekly spotted LA gossipmonger Perez tweeting her with a classic ‘#YOLO’ during the VMAs, but tbh, we’re not sure if she needed any more encouragement…

3. Zefron’s YOLO tattoo
Speaking of Perez AND Disney princesses (these segues practically write themselves!), it seems like #YOLO is sweeping the Valley. Zac Efron was spotted at the end of last year with a new tattoo spelling out – guess what? – ‘YOLO’, by none other than Perez himself. Definitely upping the ante on la Gomez.

4. Kendrick Lamar x Adam Levine

Now we’re getting to the roots of #YOLO – dissected by a brilliant collab video between Messrs Levine and Lamar. Having racked up over 50m views, it’s pretty clear that these guys not only know what they’re on about, but that the kids are into it as well

5. Drake x Rick Ross
That being said, it was the man Drake who popularised ‘YOLO’ as a thing initially. After referencing it prominently in ‘The Motto’, he then promised to title his mixtape with Rick Ross after the phrase, then pulling the whole thing and pronouncing YOLO as an epidemic. Srsly, totes meta, right?

6. Deconstruction, Lecrae-style
Taking this to its obvious conclusion, the rapper Lecrae deconstructed the entire concept in his controversial project ‘Church Clothes’. This is YOLO’s Derrida moment.

Fam_Irvoll_by_Laura_LewisIMG_2533-size7. Fashion goes YOLO
Let’s bring it back to the present day and some sort of sanity. For AW13 the fabulous designer Fam Irvoll showcased a lighthearted collection intended to embody the YOLO spirit – models danced down the catwalk, music blared and clothes were unashamedly bright, colourful and fun. This is YOLO as we want to see it.

The question is – what’s your YOLO moment? We’ve heard on the grapevine that the fab folks over at ASOS have something appropriately spectacular in the pipeline, something that invokes the carpe diem spirit of YOLO, and something that sounds like it’s going to be pretty special…watch this space and get yourself over to ASOS for all the deets!


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